W. Ross Macdonald School Library

The underground

Applegate, Katherine.

The underground [contracted braille] / by K.A. Applegate. - Stuart, Fla. : Braille International, Inc., 1998. - 2 v. of contracted braille. - Animorphs ; 17. .

Contracted braille.

What's tasty, good for you, and only takes sixty seconds to make? Oatmeal. And it's making the Yeerks more than a little crazy. Now Rachel, the other Animorphs, and Ax have a new weapon against the Yeerks. But it means another trip to the Yeerk pool. And the possibility of running into Visser Three. And of not being able to get back up to the surface.

Grades 4-7.

Metamorphosis--Juvenile fiction.

Science fiction.