W. Ross Macdonald School Library

Famous men of science /

Bolton, Sarah Knowles, 1841-1916.

Famous men of science / by Sarah K. Bolton. - Rev. ed. / by Barbara Lovett Cline. - New York : Crowell, c1960. -- - 326 p. ; 21 cm.

Includes index.

Nicolaus Copernicus --
Galileo Galilei --
Isaac Newton --
William Herschel --
Michael Faraday --
Lord Kelvin --
Thomas Alva Edison --
Marie and Pierre Curie --
Guglielmo Marconi --
Luther Burbank --
Walter Reed --
Arthur, Karl, and Wilson Compton --
Alexander Fleming --
Albert Einstein --
Harold C. Urey --
Herman Mark --
Enrico Fermi --
Jonas E. Salk --
Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang.

"A collection of biographies of a number of the world's outstanding scientists since Copernicus." cover

0690288581 : $2.70




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